Friday, December 5, 2008

Introduce your self

Ex:-Iam consultant from Capgemini,a CMM 5 level company having around 4 years
of experience in Software Testing .
Both in manual and Automation.Primarily my experience is in Black box
testing covering the functionality testing at different levels.
I have experience in working with different process of development
RAD,Waterfall ,Iterative and RUP.
I have an good experience working with different domains.To start with i was
in enterprise management solutions.Then i was in to health care and right
now iam in to banking domain covering Loan and Mortgage process.
I have experience working with different configuration management
tools..likes of VSS,Rational clear case and with different test management
tools like Test director and Test manager.
Most of my testing revolves around Manual but i have good gauge of
Automation as well.

You should sound extremely confident and collect words. This is the only
question that leave impression on interviewer...your communication skills
will be rated by this answer...Rather than content.

what is test plan? And what are the contents?

Yes .. I was assist to prepare the testplan document...
It is a detailed document speak about all our testing events...and its gives the road map apporach for our testing activities
This document gives the over of the application , testing approach and scope of the testing
2. describes for each test entry criteria and exit criteria , resources and responbilitys and their communication activities
3. risk analysis and contingency plans
4. test environment set-up and configuration settings
5. test data set-up resources
6. database set-up resources
7. test automation over view
8. and also describes training schedules and testing deliverables....

15.What is exit and entry criteria?

1. Exit criteria: its describes when we can stop the testing
a. when our application meets customer requirements
b. There should not have any defects in acceptance level.
c. all necessary documents completed is up to date
d. 100% high ands medium severity bugs resolved
e. If deadline is comes
f. If budget is completed...
2. entry Criteria; Its detailed about us when we can start testing..
1. all requirements are ready there has no defects
2. Test data is verification and validated.
3. When build is ready....
4. test environment set-up is ready
5. all necessary documents is ready

What is Test harness

A test harness provides a simulated software environment t, and calls the system many times, with different data, and provides information to assist later on Actual testing.

what levels of testing you have done so far

Sofar i have been involved in Integration and system testing.
I involved in Functional testing of unit.Integration testing,System testing and also regression testing that comes in between.
Since no body is replying all..Iam facing difficulty in collating all the answers from every person..
Not a problem...This is only meant to give add on to your preparation.

What is your contribution in SDLC

In SDLC my contribution is testing phase. In this assist the preparation of testplan document and disign the series of testcases depending on usecases or functional documents
and as a functional tester starts from the design state of SDLC .
1.Test effort is required to validate design and Based on consolidated requirements i use to write the test cases.
2.There will be review process and sign off.
3. then i use to execute test cases on released code and will e defect follow up.

What are different types of developments you have participated

I have a good experience with almost all the process of developments.To start with I was in Rapid action development then in to Water fall and Iterative process.
Right now iam involved in RUP ( Rational unified process of development.)

What is difference between functional testing and non functional

Functional testing detrmines the functionality of application in the desires way...while non functional testing detrmines the other charecteriscs of application such as Usability,Performance,Compatibility,Security.Data load,Installation,Resillience.

How you do Functional Testing?
Functional testing most of times in my experience has been carried on User interface screens only.( Typically JSP,HTML,ASP,VB based on code language used in development )I use to check the functionality of application by Data entry,Data retrieval,By navigation and checking the business process.

Why testing is Required

Codeing is a user interface .Every human interface having some errors. Before delivering the application we should resolve these errors In testing
Discover defects
to avoid user detecting problems
to ensure that product has no problems
and improve the software quality....

About Me

MCA,MA,MLIS,BL., hi i am a senior manual tester having 6 years experience. Seeking extra income by internet. Becasue by internet everybody can get good income. By less effort, the best thing is 24 hours, 365 days. Non Stop.Login